Georgia System Operations Corporation is a not-for-profit system operations company, operating as a cooperative. Their members are 38 of Georgia’s distribution electric membership corporations, Oglethorpe Power Corporation and Georgia Transmission Corporation. GSOC is one of four companies, along with OPC, GTC and Smarr EMC, that this group of EMCs — the distribution Members — formed to provide and deliver wholesale electric services to them. These 38 EMCs light up half the households in Georgia, covering two-thirds of the state.
GSOC was formed in 1997 when OPC spun off its transmission and system operations business units to form GTC and GSOC, respectively, although GSOC, in effect, has been managing system operations since 1990.
As the system operator, GSOC ensures reliable, independent system operations by monitoring and controlling electric generation for OPC, transmission for GTC and balancing resources with loads for their Member-owners' scheduling groups. GSOC's system operations meets the Member-owners' electricity demands from generation to transmission. GSOC complies with all applicable FERC operating and reliability standards, as delegated to SERC Reliability Corporation by the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO), North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
Their corporate setup is unique in the electric utility industry. Most electric utility corporations operate as investor-owned utilities; that is, in addition to their customers, they also serve their investors. GSOC's business model is truly a cooperative. They're member-owned and member-directed, and each EMC has a voice in how they serve them and how they operate.
Georgia System Operations Corporation is a progressive organization featuring an outstanding workplace environment. GSOC offers competitive pay and benefits packages, including health insurance and retirement programs. They are an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. They are currently seeking qualified, dedicated U.S. Veterans!