YouthBuild USA is a dynamic, expanding, highly regarded, non-profit organization with operations throughout the USA and in 15 other countries. It manages advocacy, training, technical assistance, research, data management, communications, grants, and loans for a network of innovative and highly effective YouthBuild programs designed for disadvantaged youth and young adults to complete their secondary education while serving their communities by building affordable housing for homeless and low income people. Students learn leadership skills and internalize the ethic of service, toward becoming leaders in their communities. YouthBuild USA has built a strong public/private partnership with the United States government, an agency of which administers the federal YouthBuild program directly through competitive grants to local non-profit and public agencies, and then contracts with YouthBuild USA to provide quality assurance systems for these grantees. The headquarters for both national and international work is located in Somerville, Massachusetts. Our national programs and services are focused on a growing network of over 200 YouthBuild operating programs in 43 states and relate to a diverse group of public and private funders and policy stakeholder groups. International work related to program replication is currently concentrated in South Africa, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and Israel; the other international focus is on broad national policy and program development for unemployed youth.