• Fallbrook, California
E.U HUMANITARIAN HEALTH ORG. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION {In partnership with} ANTI FRAUD UNITSOLAF, European Commission B-1049 Bruxelles BELGIQUE http: //europa.eu.int/comm/anti_fraud/contact_us/index_en.html SPECIAL VACANCIES We are reaching you for a humanitarian health committed services to HIV / AIDS patients and victims in Europe and Asia. The categories of persons involved in this package are the youths and teens of Europe and Asia and the poor victims of HIV / AIDS these two continents who are unable to afford treatments for these diseases. In order to meet the growing challenges and also expand the scope of assistance from friends and well wishers especially in the USA, we are offering you the position of EU funds receiving and disbursement officer in the USA. NOTE. You will be in charge of receiving and the distribution of donations received on behalf of the EU as shall be instructed by the Legal Counsel to the EU. If you are interested, kindly send to us your contact information as listed below: FULL NAME ADDRESS AGE OCCUPATION PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Upon your response, your details will be forwarded to our Legal Counsel in London for your employment clarifications. Please send your reply to my personal email: ([email protected]) Thanks DR. Allan Smith EU DIPLOMAT OFFICER