This year, the Department of Veteran Affairs estimates 33,136 veterans are experiencing homelessness in the United States. Although this is already a drop from the record for the last 2 years (2020-2021), no veteran who has served his/her country should ever find himself/herself living in the streets. This is part of the stance and serious commitment of WestCare Foundation, Inc.
What started out as a small organization known as Fitzsimmons House in 1973, the organization grew and eventually changed its name to the current one: WestCare Foundation, Inc. in 1988. Essentially, WestCare is a family of non-profit affiliates in Las Vegas, Nevada. They offer a wide range of health and human services, in both residential and outpatient environments.
WestCare services include: substance abuse and addiction treatment, homeless and runaway shelters, domestic violence treatment and prevention, educational services, community-building programs, mental health programs, and more. Their career opportunities revolve around providing these services to several groups of adults, children, adolescents, and families. WestCare is currently open to multifaceted individuals - whether you are a Research Assistant, Administrative Assistant, Behavioral Therapist, Clerk, and/or Cook Assistant, WestCare has a position open for you!
WestCare's initial program was focused on helping male heroin addicts heal from their vices. Soon after, their services expanded to include men and women abusing alcohol and other drugs. From Nevada, WestCare has grown to serve 17 states and 3 U.S. Territories. Thanks to the efforts and partnership of like-minded, community-oriented programs which focus on providing the highest level of service possible, WestCare became the thriving organization that it is today.
Uplifting the human spirit is no easy task. But with WestCare's almost five decades of experience, the organization has built the necessary resources and even pooled (and continues to pool) people to deliver the wide variety of support services aimed at elevating its target communities' life and health qualities.
At the heart of WestCare Foundation, Inc. is its value for the human spirit. The firm recognizes that each person deserves to be treated with dignity and must be met and assisted "where they are at". Accessibility is key to service provision. Those in need will not be able to get the help that they require if the assistance is not offered within their proximity.
The first step to actually helping others is to recognize the areas where they need help with. This is how WestCare can efficiently fill the gap where real people need actual help. WestCare has a myriad of health and wellness programs for men and women, adolescents and families, and both yesterday and today's veterans targeted at their major problem points. The organization covers both outpatient and residential programs for:
Over the years, the Veteran demographic has expanded to cover every ethnicity, gender, age, culture, and background. This is the new face for Veterans today. However, this diversity presents an even bigger challenge of meeting the needs of all these different returning warriors. Every veteran who returns home -- together with their respective families -- requires different kinds of help for all sorts of problems. Post traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, joblessness, traumatic brain injury, homelessness, family dysfunction, relational problems, and depression are just some of the multitudes of issues that Veterans face today. Having been a company that is grounded to understanding the importance of giving back to those who have already given so much to our country, WestCare is not afraid to step up and offer assistance to Veterans and military families within their covered locations.
WestCare caters to both male and female veterans in need of transitional living programs. For example, the Veteran's Plaza is a 28-bed facility for male Veterans that offers housing for up to two years and case management services for each resident. HomeFront, on the other hand, shelters female Veterans and their children, ensuring stability for these families that are in need.
To deliver quality service, the service providers need to be of equal quality. WestCare team members include talented individuals who brings skills, ideas, professionalism, and dedication with them every day. WestCare knows that their team members need to function effectively in many programs and locations over a vast geographic area. To make sure that they provide the needed service, WestCare supports every employee by simultaneously providing them with fair compensation, clean and safe working environments, job security, opportunities for advancement, and respect for their personal lives and family responsibilities.
As an advocate of health, human services and education, WestCare strives daily to become excellent corporate citizens and residents wherever their programs operate. They maintain their properties in good working order, guard natural resources, and respect the environment.